(Translated by FoMA)
The Finnish Pilots’ Association (FPA) sees shutting down Malmi Airport as a mistake from the point of view of Finland’s future. According to the Association, Finland, being in the process of globalization, needs mobility and fast connections which can be built at Malmi. The present shutting down only benefits a small interest group in the building project and requires large investments from City of Helsinki.
“Aviation is one of the few growth industries in Finland. Developing Malmi as a center of aviation is a chance of victory that must not be destroyed”, says Chairman of the FPA, Mr. Sami Simonen.
The FPA is very interested in Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner’s (Center Party) views on the future of the Finnish aviation sector.
“When growth and development are sought after elsewhere in the world, an airport is built. The capacity of Helsinki-Vantaa does not allow flexible operation of private aircraft, nor any kind of pilot training”, Simonen points out.
On 5 October, the Ministry of Transport and Communications published a report confirming that there is no alternative to replace Malmi. According to Mr. Simonen, Malmi already has a functioning infrastructure and services.
“Malmi is the second-busiest airport after Helsinki-Vantaa and offers employment to 300 people.”
“Finavia has not wanted to develop all this nor to modernize the operations, it has been focused only on saving money.”
The major part of Finnish pilot training is given at Malmi. Developing the area of Malmi Airport would require only a fraction of the money now intended to be used to clean up the soil, drive piles and prepare the ground before building residences.
“With bold decisions, Helsinki-Malmi could be made a center of mobility like Stockholm-Bromma, even better”, Simonen envisions.
”Rohkeilla päätöksillä voitaisiin Helsinki-Malmista tehdä Tukholma-Bromman kaltainen liikkuvuuden keskus, jopa parempi”, Simonen visioi.
More information:
Sami Simonen
Chairman, Finnish Pilots’ Association
tel. +358 40 0684818 / sami.simonen@fpapilots.fi
Finnish Pilots’ Association (FPA) is the umbrella organization of Finnish airline transport pilots’ associations, founded in 2004. It represents more than 1000 airline transport pilots and helicopter pilots from eight different associations. FPA’s most important task is to represent Finnish commercial pilots in professional and safety-related questions both in Finland and internationally.
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